F = Fiction, A = Autobiography, B = Biography, CE = Current Events, E = Editorial,
SI = Self Improvement, H = History, M = Memoir
Not Without my Daughter (A)
Soldier on Horseback (B)
Call of the Wild (F)
Lay of the Land (F)
The Salt of the Earth (F)
Finding Noel (F)
To Kill A Mocking Bird (F)
Night (A)
The Secret (SI)
How to Win the White House in 2008 (CE)
Winesburg, Ohio (F)
Eat, Pray, Love (A)
In Cold Blood (F)
The Fountainhead (F)
Rebecca (F)
Isaac’s Storm (H)
The Hiding Place (A)
The Most Famous Man in America (B)
Tropic of Cancer (F)
The Infidel (A)
My Losing Season (A)
Wal Mart Effect (CE)
The New Earth (SI)
The Secret Life of Bees (F)
Jane Eyre (F)
With Malice Toward None (B)
The Adventures of August Mack (F)
Beloved (F)
Outliers (CE)
Three Cups of Tea (A)
Lone Survivor (A)
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (F)
Gone with the Wind (F)
American Lion (B)
Chrestomathy (E)
Slaughter House Five (F)
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (F)
The Catcher in the Rye (F)
The Road (F)
Farewell to Arms (F)
All the King's Men (F)
Angela's Ashes (A)
Where Men Win Glory (B)
Everyman (F)
Salem's Lot (F)
The Great Gatsby (F)
Skipping Christmas (F)